Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity


Northern Massage Association

Data Protection

By becoming an MTI member, you agree that we can use your contact details (we will never pass these onto a third party) and that we are able to continue sending you relevant information for 24 months after the expiry of your membership. We will stop before this time if you ask us to.

Terms of Service

Payment can be made online via credit/debit card, by cheque or bank transfer. If you would like to be posted a paper application form, please email the membership office.

Code of Ethics Statement

By selecting an MTI membership, you agree to be bound by the MTI Code of Ethics.

1. Introduction

The Massage Training Institute (MTI) is committed to ensuring that the highest standards of teaching and practise are maintained at all times. It has been set up by a group of experienced trainers and practitioners.

2. The Practitioner’s Responsibility to the Profession and Colleagues

2.1 Practitioners must ensure they are competent to give massage in the best interests of the client. If this is not possible, through ill health - mentally or physically - the practitioner should refrain from practising.

2.2 Practitioners should be aware of their limitations and refer clients to other appropriate qualified practitioners where their requirements appear to be outside the scope of holistic massage.

2.3 Practitioners should not make any kind of medical diagnosis of, or prescribe treatment for, a client unless qualified to do so.

Practitioners shall ensure that clients are aware of the complementary nature of the treatment and advise them to seek medical help wherever appropriate.

Practitioners must be aware of contra-indications to massage and have a responsibility to ask clients about any medical treatment and medication, and to be able to consult their GP, if appropriate.

If a patient is referred by a medical practitioner, the medical practitioner shall remain clinically accountable for the client and for any treatment given by the massage practitioner.

2.4 Practitioners must not make any claims to cure.

2.5 Practitioners should monitor their ongoing development and update their knowledge through professional literature, courses and supervision.

2.6 Practitioners should be aware of the laws prohibiting complementary therapists from treating certain medical conditions. It is an offence to massage a woman in childbirth, or for ten days thereafter, without the consent of a medical practitioner.

3. Practitioner / Client Relationship

3.1 The practitioner’s obligation to clients is based primarily on the contractual relationship between them. Practitioners should explain the nature of the contract in particular the duration of treatment, amount of fees (including cancellation fees) and method of payment.

3.2 Practitioners should be mindful of the responsibility they have to their clients and shall not abuse the trust placed in them and shall at all times act with integrity.

3.3 Practitioners must ensure that confidentiality is maintained. Consent of the client must be obtained, if any information is disclosed, except in the case of professional supervision or when the law requires this.

3.4 Practitioners must not engage in sexual activity with their client.

3.5 In the case of a client under the age of 16 years, the parent must be in the room when the child is being massaged.

3.6 Practitioners shall have respect for the religious, political and social views of any individual, irrespective of race, colour, creed, sex or sexual orientation.

4. Issues of Practice Management

4.1 Practitioners shall at all times maintain high standards of hygiene, both personal and in the work environment.

4.2 The work environment and the equipment used must be designed for the purpose of massage.

4.3 All advertising shall be informative, factually correct and not misleading.

Practitioners shall only advertise skills and services for which they are qualified.

Practitioners must not advertise in any way that implies that they are offering sexual services.

Practitioners shall not use the term ‘Registered MTI Practitioner’ in advertising and promotional material unless they are currently registered on MTI’s list of practitioners.

4.4 Practitioners should not solicit or canvass clients of a colleague.

4.5 Practitioners shall insure themselves and the premises in which they work to cover professional treatments, professional indemnity and public liability.

4.6 Practitioners shall keep comprehensive records of all clients and treatments given, both for the benefit of maintaining continuity of treatment, reviewing treatment methods and in order to defend themselves in any action that may be brought by a dissatisfied client.

5. Discipline and Complaints

5.1 Practitioners shall agree to observe this code of practice and agree to be bound by any disciplinary action that it may be necessary for MTI to take against them, by signing the declaration below

I agree to observe the Massage Training Institute's Code of Ethics for Registered Practitioners and agree to be bound by any decision taken by MTI by way of disciplinary action, should this be necessary.

MTI logo

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Offline membership renewal: renewal form

Renew your membership by downloading and printing out this form. Send to the member office with your membership fee to renew.

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