Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity



Hello from Lorraine Horton, Chair of MTI

Lorraine Horton

Hi everyone - I have been co-opted into the role of Chair for the last couple of months and wanted to introduce myself and say 'Hello'! I was once Chair of MTI a long time ago, 2009!

So I've been taking time to connect with the MTI Team to find out more about their roles and 'what happens these days'. Also their thoughts about MTI’s priorities, what they feel might need to be addressed, changed or maintained and strengthened. This is particularly so as we have reached this side of Covid and although this will continue to be unpredictable, it feels time to look at MTI's place in the world and what makes it unique.

Firstly, much gratitude to Jennie and Earl who have worked hard to steer us through the incredibly difficult time that Covid has presented for practitioners whose modem of support is through touch. I know it has raised many issues for many of us, preventing some of us from doing what we love to do, not to mention creating a financial burden for many. We know that MTI practitioners and tutors have gone above and beyond to work through this time - whether that's a decision not to work for now, not to teach for now (which was my decision), to work in a limited way when guidance suggested that we could - and some of us may still be cautious about working and still deciding. All important, individual decisions that are equally respected.

C-19 Update: QR Codes

Update to NHS guidance

If you have already printed a QR code you'll have been sent this guidance, but for those that haven't:

Dear venue owner,

Thank you for downloading and displaying the official NHS QR code poster. Since April 2021, NHS Test and Trace has issued over 500,000 alerts to individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19 at a venue they visited. This has made a huge impact on identifying positive cases, breaking chains of transmission and supporting businesses to stay open. Thank you for all your support to make this happen.

Lone Working Safety

Ros Cope

Many members work alone, whether that be as a mobile therapist, in a clinic or at home. Director Ros Cope offers a few thoughts on how to keep safe when working alone.

Among all the very necessary effort we put into our business, it is sensible to spend a little time on your safety in your working life.

Welcome from new MTI Board member

Jennie Parke Matheson

Jennie Parke Matheson is the new MTI Board member for the practitioner council. Here she introduces herself and what she is working on for members at this time

Dear MTI Members.

I just want to say hello. Earle and Tim have both stepped down from the MTI Board and I have stepped up – and am now responsible for the practitioner members – which means you! You will find out who the rest of the team are at the AGM in May.

Now that I’ve joined the Board, there are two key things that I want to address and will be working on. Your concerns about CPD in the current climate and continuing to support you through the Covid crisis.

Re CPD, you really don’t need to worry. As you know it’s only 18 hours per year, with a huge variation of elements you can deploy. You may not be able to do actual hands-on classes, but there are masses of other things you can do. Jenny puts frequent updates in your newsletters about CPD. Do please read them. Don’t forget that in 2020 you will probably have watched the Healwell video, done a COSHH course and attended lots of webinars and podcasts about PPE and Covid. Now in 2021 there are new webinars about the vaccine. You each have a different year end depending on when you joined, so cutting across different times of activity – and you can roll excess hours over from previous years.

I will be working with your regional group teams to explore further how they can help with providing online CPD and we hope to generate some sessions from MTI Central too.

Deep Vein Thrombosis – Guidance and Safety Measures

A guide to assessing whether a client has DVT, including COVID-19 risk, by Earle Abrahamson

If you’ve never heard of it or are not sure what I’m talking about when referring to a DVT, it stands for “Deep Vein Thrombosis,” which is the formation of a blood clot in the lower limb.

The big issue with this is if the clot dislodges it can become a pulmonary embolism blocking blood vessels in the lung, which, depending on the size of the clot could be life-threatening. If it is a smaller size clot, at a minimum it can cause damage to the lungs.

Those who have recovered from COVID-19 may be at risk from DVTs. Read this article for more information.

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