Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity


Q & A about Pregnancy, Birth & Postnatal Massage with Onie Tibbit and Gabe Stewart

Q & A about Pregnancy, Birth & Postnatal Massage with Onie Tibbit and Gabe Stewart

5 February 2022, 10.00 – 12.00

Zoom event, Edinburgh, Scotland

Join Onie Tibbitt and Gabe Stewart, Massage Trainers with KnotStressed Therapies, for an interactive discussion about supporting women with massage and relaxation through pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. KnotStressed Therapies have been offering industry-leading therapist training for over ten years from their clinic in Edinburgh, Scotland. Their comprehensive courses are accredited by the Federation of Antenatal Educators. This is an opportunity for you to hear from two specialists about the benefits and practices of Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal Massage and to ask any questions you may have to inform your own therapeutic practice. Please email Onie and Gabe in advance to let them know if you have any particular questions. Many thanks. Email: To join the event please use the following details: Zoom meeting ID: 84320594912; password: massage***
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