Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity


Working with hips and lower back - MTI workshop with Tim Bartlett

Working with hips and lower back - MTI workshop with Tim Bartlett

Edinburgh Academy Junior School, 10 Arboretum Road, Edinburgh EH3 5PL.
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20 November 2022, 10.00 – 16.00

Edinburgh Academy Junior School, Edinburgh

Connecting upper and lower body and integrating the two builds and facilitates clients' understanding of the whole. The pelvis, the junction between upper and lower body, is crucial for stability and movement during gait. We will look at the muscles involved in posture and movement, the functional anatomy and techniques for prone and supine but with an emphasis on treating with the client in the side-lying position. We will also look at common pathologies, both for the active sports person and muscular-skeletal issues that may be faced in later life. We'll cover a range of techniques from effective effleurage through to NMT, positional release, and STR to affect changes in tissues in the hips and lower back. You will need comfortable clothing, your own drapes to use on yourself, a notebook, and a pen. Handouts will be provided. Please bring your packed lunch. Tutor: Tim Bartlett I've been practising Holistic Massage for 21 years, having trained with MTI in Bristol at the turn of the century. My practice has developed widely on a personal and professional level, slowly immersing myself in the world of bodywork, teaching and running supervision groups in Cardiff and Bristol. I started teaching massage in 2004 and have developed this into a love of AP&P, remedial approaches and myofascial techniques as well as becoming slower, appreciating more subtle work, using less oil, and embracing other approaches to creating change in the bodies and outlook of my clients. I currently teach the MTI Holistic Massage Diploma at Cardiff Metropolitan University and also a Remedial & Sports Massage course at BCMB in Bristol. Tim Bartlett MTI, fHEA Senior Lecturer in Holistic Massage/ Darlithydd BSc (Hons) Complementary Healthcare Cardiff School of Health Sciences / Ysgol Gwyddorau Iechyd Caerdydd Cardiff Metropolitan University/ Prifysgol Fetropolitan Caerdydd Western Avenue / Rhodfa'r Gorllewin Cardiff / Caerdydd CF5 2YB Tel/Ffon: +44 (0)29 2020 5610
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