Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity



Move your business forward: a case study

By Sarah Bryan, MTI member

Sarah Bryan

I have been in clinical practice for seven years and I love what I do. However, a year ago, I was almost at the point of giving up. Despite my passion, skills and bundle of qualifications, I was losing more money than I was making, in a desperate attempt to try and create a viable business. I knew that, if I had not found a viable solution by the end of 2018, I would have to throw in the towel, after six and a half years of trying and failing to make things work. Does this sound familiar? If so, read on!

In October 2018, I decided that it was time to take drastic action; it was make or break. I attended an intensive three-day workshop in London with Chris and Karene Lambert-Gorwyn, the founders of Passion to Profit for Practitioners. I have been to many business development workshops before, but this was different. As health practitioners themselves with a genuine desire to help their clients and help other therapists to do the same, I felt that their approach made a lot of sense and opened doors to new possibilities. I finally started to believe that it was not only possible, but my duty to help more people and make enough money, not just enough money to live on, but enough to support worthy causes and give back to society.

I therefore signed up for their mentorship programme six months ago and have never looked back. I have entirely changed how I work with clients and have now had two consecutive magnificent months in terms of income. I feel positive about getting up every morning and taking the next step to grow my business and build relationships with more people. I also have a whole family of positive, loving, like-minded practitioners behind me, to cheer me on when things go well and to support me through the wobbles. The only thing I wish I had done differently is to have signed up with them sooner, rather than struggling and trying to make it on my own.

So if this sounds like you, a passionate and skilful practitioner who can barely make ends meet, please don’t keep struggling on your own. It is not your fault if you don’t know how to do something, but you have the power to make great changes in your life and turn your current situation around. When we wanted to learn to be massage therapists, we signed up for training with knowledgeable, experienced people who could show us how. We did not expect to learn just by muddling through. Running our businesses is no different. It is another skill set which needs to be learned from people who have the knowledge and skills to teach us.

If you want to know more about how this works and to be introduced to some warm-hearted, inspiring, successful practitioners who can change your life, please get in touch with me by phone: 07949 654 779 or email.

Comments: 2 (Add)

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Jenny on behalf of MTI on June 10 2019 at 16:35

Sounds good Iain - if you are an MTI member, we have a lot of helpful business and marketing resources in the member area of the website too. Good luck!

Iain Neilson on June 7 2019 at 14:19

I am sure that most practitioners struggle, at least initially, with the reality that giving, as beautiful as it may be, does not automatically bring a return. I sincerely desire to be able to give generously, as well as survive financially. I haven't yet qualified, but I will follow up when I have.

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