Training professional massage therapists with sensitivity, creativity and integrity


About our qualifications

Our Holistic Massage Diploma is equivalent to Level Four and our Sports and Remedial Diploma Levels Four and Five on the National Qualification Framework (which is given below).

If you would like to know more about National Occupational Standards then please visit this website.

Equivalence of levels on the qualifications framework

  • Level 3: equivalent to A Level standard.
  • Level 4: equivalent to the first year of a degree or a Certificate of Higher Education.
  • Level 5: equivalent to the second year of a degree, a Diploma of Higher Education, a Foundation Degree or a Higher National Diploma.
  • Level 6: equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree with or without Honours.
  • Level 7: equivalent to a Master’s degree or to a PGCE.
  • Level 8: equivalent to a Doctoral degree.
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