Latest news: Conference 2025: Bristol. Tickets on sale now!SAVE THE DATE! Our 2025 conference will be on Saturday 20th September in BristolOnline CPD: Check out our online library of workshops with inspiring practioners GCMT Respet training: 2023 practioner updateMTI needs YOU! Volunteer with us today for excellent member perks
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Diversity statement
MTI takes inclusivity and diversity seriously. MTI practitioners are expected to work holistically and without discrimination not excluding any groups of people. MTI works to support a client’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. MTI practitioners are expected to assess a whole person and determine if the practitioner’s skills, knowledge and experience enable them to competently support that person. If an instance arises where the practitioner feels they are not the most appropriate person to support a potential client, they should refer them on and clearly explain and document why they are suggesting the referral.